sabato 17 aprile 2010

Last weekend I was invited to attend a trunk show for Papo d'Anjo. Papo d'Anjo is a beautiful, European children's clothing line that focuses on making clothing the old-fashioned way. The clothing is absolutely stunning - from the gorgeous fabrics, the beautiful materials (cashmere, velvet and the softest cotton you have ever met), to the impeccable craftsmanship, to the thoughtful silhouettes, this line featured clothing more lovely than I could have dreamed up.

Understandably, quality and beauty of this caliber comes at a price. I purchased two pieces that I fell in love with, and they will become pieces I treasure. The line, designed by Catherine Monteiro de Barros, features basics that will last a lifetime. But the clothing has an overwhelming "one of a kind" feel that whispers, "heirloom". When you purchase this clothing, you know it will be with your family forever; I love this sentiment.
Children European Seggiolini Auto
To view some treasures from the line, visit the Papo d'Anjo website and view their winter catalog. The website and catalog feature only a tiny portion of what you will see at a Papo trunk show. The photographs will give you an idea of the gems that grace this special line. However, to truly appreciate the clothing you have to see it in person. To get information about a trunk show in your area, complete their online form.

One of the best pieces of advice I received while attending the trunk show will stick with me. One very wise mama told me that when buying clothing for her young daughters she focused on quality, not quanitity. She bought them beautiful, quality clothing because it felt good to their little baby skin and her own (after all, those little ones spend a majority of their day in your arms). She bought a few pieces from the Papo line and used them over and over again. Because of the quality of the clothing, they have remained with her children for years and have been shared between her two daughters.

created on: 10/28/08 created on: 10/28/08

created on: 10/28/08 created on: 10/28/08created on: 10/28/08 created on: 10/28/08